Press Releases
Webster to Pelosi: Don't Play Politics with China Bill
Webster to Pelosi: Don't Play Politics with China Bill
Washington, DC - Today, Florida Congressman Daniel Webster released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi’s so-called “China Competitiveness” bill.
“Last year, by a broadly bipartisan vote the House passed legislation that improves America’s ability to compete with China and helps counter the malign actions of the Chinese Communist Party. These bills, including H.R. 2225 and H.R. 3593 were developed thanks to bipartisan work by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee members, including myself. They improve U.S. investment in basic science, support the most important emerging technologies, build our technical workforce, protect our research from theft and hold China accountable.
“In keeping with her pattern of rule by Speaker’s fiat, Speaker Pelosi is ignoring this bipartisan legislation and instead released H.R. 2521, nearly 3,000 pages long. We have been told she intends to bring this bill to the floor for a vote next week. While I am still reviewing this legislation, initial reports indicate many partisan provisions never have seen the light of day through the Committee process. Congressional action to counter China is critical and as such, I will carefully review the text before passing final judgement. Regardless, I remain extremely disappointed with the process and indications of partisan provisions.
“Speaker Pelosi should have announced a bipartisan conference committee to resolve differences between our bills and those also already passed by U.S. Senate, instead she's choosing to play politics with this critical issue. This is unacceptable. Congress must return to a Member-driven process, which I have advocated for so we can have real, thoughtful debate on each other’s ideas and advance policy that is in the best interest of our constituents.”