Press Releases

Webster on House Spending Bills

Washington, DC – Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement regarding the House’s anticipated vote on the 2022 government spending bills.

“I ran for office pledging to do my part to stop the spigot of spending and get our fiscal house in order.  These spending bills do the opposite of that and I will not break my pledge to my constituents and the American people.

“I've supported and introduced legislation that prioritized and reduced spending. However, recent budgets passed by Congress have burst domestic spending caps. I have spoken out and voted against these spending levels and budgets. Our national debt, currently at $28.4 trillion, will increase by another $10 trillion by 2029. Borrowing gobs of money to spend today is effectively a tax on our children and grandchildren tomorrow. 

"Further, for the first time in history, under these bills, taxpayer dollars can be spent on abortion services. I offered an amendment that would have reinstated Hyde protections and prevented taxpayer dollars from paying for abortions. Sadly, Democrats rejected this amendment.

“Speaker Pelosi continues to reject commonsense budgeting, refuses to work with Republicans and despite the skyrocketing inflation is choosing to spend recklessly. For these reasons, I must once again vote against Congress’ proposed budgets.”
