Press Releases
Webster: Pelosi's Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Webster: Pelosi’s Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
Washington, D.C. — Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement regarding Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats’ forcing last minute votes on H.R. 8542, H.R. 6448, H.R.4118, and H.R. 5768.
“Today’s actions by Speaker Pelosi and her congressional leaders further proves their hypocrisy knows no bounds. After more than 2 years of turning a blind eye to mob violence, ignoring attacks on law enforcement and even encouraging lawless behavior, less than 2 months before an election Democrat leaders in Congress are bringing partisan bills to the floor attempting to prove they support police and law and order. Except H.R 6448, at best these bills are window dressing and at worse redirect resources law enforcement use to other agencies or come with so much red-tape they’re not helpful. I have and will continue working to ensure our law enforcement officers have the training, tools and resources needed to keep our neighborhoods and communities safe.”