Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement as he prepares to vote to pass H.R. 2811 the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023
“I promised my constituents that I would work to shut off the spigot of spending that has led to over $30 trillion in national debt. I believe in ensuring the health of the U.S. economy and honoring debts incurred; however, I have opposed voting for a debt ceiling increase that does not come with spending reforms that will help us pay down the debt. House Republican’s Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023, responsibly addresses the debt crisis and saves $3.6 trillion taxpayer dollars, while limiting future spending.
“To increase or suspend the debt limit of the United States, without any fiscal restraint or spending reforms jeopardizes our national security and our children and grandchildren’s future. The President himself has a long history of engaging in and supporting negotiations over the debt limit. President Biden must reverse his refusal to meet with Speaker McCarthy, he must negotiate with Republicans – just as House and Senate Leaders negotiated with previous White Houses.”
The Limit, Save, Grow Act
  • Reclaims nearly $60 billion in unspent COVID funds – the COVID pandemic is officially over, and these funds have sat dormant for nearly two years. They should be reclaimed and repurposed to reduce our debt and deficit. 
  • Rolls back the reckless spending by Congress and President Biden over the last two years – saving nearly $3.6 trillion. 
  • Restores common sense work requirements to assistance programs that then-Senator Biden championed – saving nearly $120 billion.
  • Limits FY24 spending to FY22 levels – where the government was operating just 4 months ago before President Biden and Democrats so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”