Press Releases
Webster Votes to Pass Bill Protecting Taxpayers
House Passes Bill Protecting Taxpayers
Washington, DC – As their first bill vote of the 118th Congress, the Republican majority today voted to pass H.R. 23, the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act which blocks the Biden Administration from funding 87,000 new IRS agents to harass middle-class taxpayers.
“Given the IRS’ history of engaging in political targeting, leaking tax information, and other questionable behavior the last thing taxpayers needed was a super-charged agency with nearly 100,000 more employees to harass them,” said Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont. This bill is Republicans first step toward restoring to Americans the government they deserve - one that is accountable to them, not working against them.”
Last year, Democrats in the House and Senate voted to supercharge the IRS by allocating $80 billion to hire of 87,000 bureaucrats at the request of the Biden Administration. At the time, Republicans fought for to block this spending and then establish guardrails to protect middle and lower-income taxpayers, but Congressional Democrats blocked Republicans at every turn.