Press Releases

Webster Joins Lawsuit Against Proxy Voting

Washington, D.C.  – Congressman Daniel Webster, FL-11, issued the following statement today after joining with his colleagues to file a lawsuit in the D.C. Federal District Court that challenges the constitutionality of Speaker Pelosi’s proxy voting. Webster’s letter joining the filing can be viewed here.

“Representational government, where individually elected members cast a vote in D.C. on behalf of their constituents is the process envisioned by our Founding Fathers and outlined in the U.S Constitution. For nearly 250 years, through a Civil War, the influenza pandemic of 1918 and 9/11, this is how the process worked. 

“H.Res 965, adopted on a completely partisan vote, stripped duly-elected members of their voting power and consolidated it in the hands of a few.  Under this change, 22 House members can set policy for the entire country.

“I have consistently fought to improve the legislative process and empower every member to be actively involved on behalf of their constituents.  Proxy-voting is the antithesis of a principle-based, member-driven process and endangers the legality of policy passed under this system.”
