Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, today voted to pass H.R. 1435, the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act. This legislation would protect consumer’s vehicle choice by amending federal law to block attempts to eliminate the sales of vehicles with internal combustion engines.
“I voted to pass H.R. 1435 to push back against government overreach and to protect the choice of American consumers,” said Rep. Webster. “Americans should have the choice to purchase a vehicle that fit their needs, not the political agendas of climate extremists. The far-left movement to eliminate the development, production and sale of gas-powered vehicles is a ridiculous level of government overreach and devastating for Americans and their families.”
Electric vehicles are more expensive than gas-powered vehicles, the lack of charging infrastructure, especially in rural communities, makes EV’s impractical for many Americans. Mandating the purchase of electric vehicles would also make America dependent on China, as they currently control the majority of the processing and manufacturing of critical minerals used in electric vehicles. H.R. 1435 prevents the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from approving California and 17 other states’ request to mandate all new vehicles sold to be completely electric by 2035. The bill passed by a vote of 222-190.