Press Releases
Webster: Democrats’ Bill Flies in the Face of Facts
Webster: Democrats’ Bill Flies in the Face of Facts
Washington, DC – Florida Congressman Daniel Webster released the following statement on his vote on H.R. 3401, House Democrats’ Border Supplemental Appropriations Act.
“On seventeen occasions, Democrats in the House have blocked motions to vote on legislation offered by Republicans to provide $4.5 billion for the humanitarian crisis at our border. Earlier today Democrats rejected Republicans’ attempt to redirect $75 million to hire 100 new judges and support staff to start addressing the crippling immigration court backlog which is exacerbating the current humanitarian crisis.
“Tonight, they responded with their proposal which instead includes things like $2 million for a 1-800-number for migrants. This is not a serious attempt to fix this humanitarian crisis, it’s an act of political lip service to caring about this very serious situation and these children in need of real help. Democrats must cease playing politics with the crisis at our border and allow a clean, commonsense funding bill to pass.”
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