Press Releases

Washington, DC – Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement regarding his vote on H.Res.878 - Providing for the expulsion of Representative George Santos from the United States House of Representatives.

“A vote to expel a member of Congress is a serious matter – and because of the lack of due process, I have voted against previous attempts to expel Rep. George Santos. However, the House Ethics Committee has now completed their investigation. Congressman Santos refused multiple opportunities to provide evidence or testimony clearing his name. The detailed evidence, unanimously assembled by the bipartisan Ethics Committee outlines numerous times that Congressman George Santos broke the law.

“Such an investigation and clear evidence is rare – as are expulsions. Serving in the U.S. House of Representatives is an honor and solemn responsibility. Our Founding Fathers recognized the privilege and honor it is to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and included expulsion of member in Article 1, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution. Given the overwhelming evidence that Congressman Santos has violated federal law and his refusal to resign in the face of these facts, I was obligated to vote for his expulsion.”
