Press Releases
Webster: The VA Needs More Accountability Not Less
December 15, 2022
Washington, D.C. — Florida Congressman Daniel Webster, R-Clermont, released the following statement regarding his opposition to the passage of H.R. 1948 the VA Employee Fairness Act, which reduces the ability to hold Veteran Administration (VA) employees accountable for serving our veterans.
“More accountability not less is needed at the VA,” said Rep. Webster. “This bill hamstrings the VA Secretary’s ability to ensure the highest quality of care at the VA for America’s veterans. I opposed this legislation because Congress should not strip the Secretary of this responsibility and allow potentially non-medical unions to decide on issues impacting patient care and clinical competence. I am disappointed that Congress would attempt to transfer such a critical responsibility to unaccountable third-party arbitrators.”
“Ensuring veterans are receiving the highest quality healthcare is the Secretary’s chief responsibility. We owe our veterans a debt we can never repay. I have and will continue to advocate to bring reform to the VA to ensure our veterans get the care they deserve.”
“More accountability not less is needed at the VA,” said Rep. Webster. “This bill hamstrings the VA Secretary’s ability to ensure the highest quality of care at the VA for America’s veterans. I opposed this legislation because Congress should not strip the Secretary of this responsibility and allow potentially non-medical unions to decide on issues impacting patient care and clinical competence. I am disappointed that Congress would attempt to transfer such a critical responsibility to unaccountable third-party arbitrators.”
“Ensuring veterans are receiving the highest quality healthcare is the Secretary’s chief responsibility. We owe our veterans a debt we can never repay. I have and will continue to advocate to bring reform to the VA to ensure our veterans get the care they deserve.”