United States Postal Service
Here are a few of the most common questions the office receives that deal with the U.S. Postal Service:
What are the new postal rates?
To find more information on rates, visit the U.S. Postal Service website.
How can I get information on jobs with the Postal Service?
The Postal Service often has openings throughout the country.
To get more information on the requirements and application process, visit the U.S. Postal Service website.
For information on all Federal job opportunities, visit the Federal job openings page.
Where is the closest Post Office?
To find your nearest Post Office, visit the Services Locator page at the U.S. Postal Service website.
If you would like assistance with a postal issue, please contact my district office at (352) 241-9220
What are the new postal rates?
To find more information on rates, visit the U.S. Postal Service website.
How can I get information on jobs with the Postal Service?
The Postal Service often has openings throughout the country.
To get more information on the requirements and application process, visit the U.S. Postal Service website.
For information on all Federal job opportunities, visit the Federal job openings page.
Where is the closest Post Office?
To find your nearest Post Office, visit the Services Locator page at the U.S. Postal Service website.
If you would like assistance with a postal issue, please contact my district office at (352) 241-9220