Constituents should stay alert for false rumors, scams, identity theft, and fraud. Visit for updated and accurate information regarding these scams.

Guidelines to protect yourself from fraud:

  • Federal and state workers do not ask for, or accept, money. Stay alert for false promises to speed up the insurance, disaster assistance, or building permit process.
  • In person, ask to see any FEMA employee ID badges. National Flood Insurance Program adjusters will have a NFIP Authorized Adjuster Card with their name and the types of claims they may adjust.
  • If you suspect fraud, contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud’s hotline at 1-866-720-5721, or email the organization at      Learn more about the National Center for Disaster Fraud at

Constituents are also encouraged to notify local authorities to cases of lawlessness or violence, especially in hurricane shelters. In an emergency, call 9-1-1. To report suspicious/criminal activity in other cases:

  • Florida: 1-855-352-7233
  • Puetro Rico: 787-343-2020 or your local FBI office at 787-754-6000
  • U.S. Virgin Islands   
         St. Thomas: 519-631-1224
         St. John: 340-693-8880
         St. Croix: 340-778-4950