A Future that's Built on Freedom

Ensuring our children's and grandchildren’s future is built on the same freedoms we have enjoyed means advocating for policies that:

 Allow every student to succeed and give parents a voice and choice in their child’s education

  • I have worked to ensure that parents had the freedom to choose from all public, private, and home-schooling options that best suit their children.
  • I’m fighting USDOE’s rule that undermines protections Congress specifically included in Title IX.
  • Co-introduced H.R. 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act to ensure only biological women are participating in female sports.
  • I will hold Attorney General Merrick Garland accountable for targeting parents who spoke out in opposition to school board decisions.

 Empower Americans to achieve longer, healthier lives

  • With Republicans in charge next year, I hope to finally get a hearing on my bill the HEALTH Act,  which will establish a tax deduction for healthcare providers that give pro-bono health services to low-income individuals and families who rely on Medicaid or CHIP.

 Confront Big Tech and Demand Fairness

  • I’ve also introduced legislation with my friend Rep. Posey that would strengthen data privacy requirements as well as legislation that improves Americans’ ability to get the healthcare they need, at a price they can afford, and from the doctor they choose.

 Click here for more information on Republicans' Commitment to A Future That's Built on Freedom.